Service 1
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Service 2
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Our Services

Service #1

Service #1

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Service #2

Service #2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolor

Service #3

Service #3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolor

Mynor is a Certified Tree Specialist

More than

of Experience

We take on the BIG tree removal jobs that others either will not, for lack of experience or because they are just not equipped properly to handle them!

No matter what the height or circumference of the tree, we can and will safely and efficiently remove it from your property!

We finish the job by completely cleaning up and removing any debris on your property generated by tree removal!

We have the tools but more importantly we have the knowledge and the experience to perform the job safely and properly!

Finally, and THIS is IMPORTANT and well worth considering. Trees that are either diseased or no longer appear to be alive and/or stable, can and should be considered to be HAZARDOUS and this is because they can topple over without any warning whatsoever!

Heavy rains and the resulting flooding of the ground particularly in the warmer months, can loosen the soil surrounding an unstable tree and the tree can topple unexpectedly.



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